Editing Your Video on Smartphone - G Vusion

Editing Your Video on Smartphone

Fermentum Caipirinha Cherry Pink lady

Just a few years ago creating your own movie would have required an expensive camcorder to shoot, and your own often expensive video editing equipment in order to polish your video into something you’d want to share with others.

Now most smartphones come with built-in video cameras that can often capture high-definition videos worthy of your 50-inch high-definition television.

In addition to replacing the camcorder, your smartphone can also be used as a video editor. There are a variety of different apps available on the market today for editing video. From basic video editors that let you trim out pieces of your video you don’t want, to themed editors that let you change the frame rate and filter of your video to make it look like an old school 8mm film.

Whether you’re packing an iPhone or an Android handset in your pocket there’s bound to be a video editor perfect for helping you create videos on the go just how you want them to be.

Not just for your TV anymore, most mobile video editors also allow you to share your finished creation instantly on the web with built-in integration to sites like YouTube and Facebook. Connect your phone to your television and you can watch your masterpiece on the big screen.

11 komentar

  1. keren bgt templatenya :-bd knp g dibikin premium aja =D

    1. thanks... gratis aja, biar semua bisa menikmati :)

  2. test http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-8csYv--xvXA/U6fLZf3YO0I/AAAAAAAAD1g/4DyuAk_y8zE/s1600/Editing+Your+Video+on+Smartphone.jpg

  3. sama ini gan, recent coment masih punya agan,biar pmberitahuan koment punya saya gmna cra ubahnya?? sya tunggu blsannya

    1. saya pending dulu template agan, pake yg biasa aja dlu

    2. di file dokumentasi sudah ada petunjuknya, silahkan download ulang updatenya

  4. gan link-nya sudah mati
    update kembali lah gan link template ini

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